Listed House using High Temperature Air Source Heat Pump & Solar Photovoltaic Panels
The owners of this listed property in Tudeley, Kent, undertook a great deal of time to research the possibility of incorporating renewable energy into their home. They were faced with the problems of the house being listed, heated by oil, radiators that could not be increased dramatically in size, a single phase electrical supply and constraints on the level of insulation that could be incorporated without disguising the features of the property.
The first stage incorporated was the high temperature heat pump, however a single unit would not be capable of heating the whole property and the cost of upgrading the electrical supply to three phase to install a second unit was prohibitive. The route taken was to use a single unit capable of supplying eighty five percent of the energy needed backed up by an LPG boiler linked into the heat pump via a three hundred litre buffer tank.
The heat pump reduced the energy bills by approximately fifty percent compared to the old oil boiler and reduced the total energy bill to approximately two hundred pounds per month which still left room for further energy reductions.
The second stage was to install a four kilowatt Solar Photovoltaic system on one of the properties outbuildings. This system will reduce the overall energy cost of this substantial listed property down to only ten pounds per month.