DECC has today published further documents on heat. These include the overall strategy paper, following last year’s consultation. We haven’t had a chance to read it yet, although briefings in the last few weeks have suggested this is a ‘framework’ document, rather than one that will translate directly into policy.
They have also provided updates on the RHI. Key points:
- The new tariffs consulted on in September 2012 are delayed. They are now due to be brought in for April 2014. This includes single domestic installations, along with air source heat pumps, the wider range of waste feedstocks, biomass heat delivered by air, deep geothermal, biomass CHP and biogas combustion 200kWth +. Decisions are due to be announced ‘summer’ 2013
- On the review of tariffs first announced in January
- No existing tariffs are expected to reduce (and biomethane/sub 200kW biogas is not even being looked at). There is potential for ground source heat pumps and large biomass to increase
- Any changes will be implemented April 2014
- Where tariffs increase, installations will be eligible if accredited from the date of initial announcement (21 January 2013)
- The RHPP will be extended to March 2014. There are a variety of extra schemes, including £10m to support local authorities develop heat networks, funding for 100 green apprenticeships and up to £250K for a voucher scheme for training for renewable heat installers
- Budgets from April 2015 will be set as part of the forthcoming comprehensive spending review, planned for June 2013